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Jul 29, 2011

Two words, it's such a very simple concept, common sense. What is common sense you ask? I give a variety of examples, look both ways before you cross the road came in number one when asking my peers.

Cursive we can live without I suppose, but the lack of basic common sense?. It's a shame and certainly a sign of the...

Jul 22, 2011

This is something that has finally hatched, a dream to just talk, intelligent conversation, spoken word, oddball dissertation, call it what ye would. Topics include the ginger race, marital genital mutilation, turtlin' a reality show pitch, wincing and squirming uncomfortably, Granny Stella and her inguinal coffee soup,...

Sep 29, 2010

Sometimes when you stir the pot, a bone will rise to the top. It is that which we knaw upon...