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Apr 14, 2015

The Drew Review with host Andrew Fera and musical guest Planet Three in studio to go over their EP song by song and do a little live jam session.

Apr 10, 2015

Yowza Yowza Yowza,
   Oh fair viewer, one of our members is off and away on a journey to one of the greatest breweries in the continental united states, Three Floyds...So, because he is there, and we are not, we are gonna do some hating. As the Professor and I control this Ark taking us through this post-apocalyptic...

Apr 10, 2015

Noah Gokey is joined by guests Mojo Stone in the first hour for a live jam session and discussion of their musical influences and their secret elimination of the other Mojo Stone. In the second hour Hexamatastrophe joined the show to recap some recent performances and take a crank call from a Portuguese sex maniac.

Apr 3, 2015

Yowza Yowza Yowza,

   It's our 120th Episode of this fine, fine, up-standing program that we've done for the past...ohhh about three years now and then, and tonight we are planning on getting just as dirty and inappropriate as we've always been. There will be Meat Madness, Michelobs..., take-a-ways, drunk ramplings or...

Apr 3, 2015

Mike Zogaria joins Noah in studio to discuss his musical history and jam a few tunes. A Lockport caller chimed in with political complaints that Mike was unwilling to be dragged into, but Noah and Mike answered his eclectic questions anyway.

In the second hour Sean of Lesionread and Matt from Brimstone Blondes joined...