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Dec 29, 2006

Topics include the Wheatfield housing complex, the Sabres, Ransomville's Hangover, weather and program notes.

Dec 28, 2006

News includes Rochesters Midtown Plaza deal, the Sabres, 2006 - a retrospective, and details on the New Years Eve party at Maggies.

Dec 27, 2006

Topics include a reward fund for a dog killed in Pendleton, the Sabres, and local weather.

Dec 26, 2006

Topics include The Bills and Sabres, local weather and the reason all the news outlets do "year-end wrapups" this time of year. Plus a plug for the New Years Eve Party and the upcoming "Events to Remember Weekend."

Dec 22, 2006

Joe came out to the Lockport studios and performed a couple original songs in addition to "Here Comes Santa Claus," and "Yesterday."

Joe can be found at open mic's around Western New York - especially Sunday nights at the Summit Street Saloon in Lockport.