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Feb 28, 2018

Mike shoots from the hip on topics including gun control and President Trump. 

Feb 16, 2018

Cory discusses Weight Watchers ...

Feb 16, 2018

Musicians Ryan Gurnett and Dennis Reed Jr talk about the good, the bad and the funny of being a DIY musician in Western New York. In this episode, they pull the laziest booking ever by interviewing their own lead guitarist, a giant, lovable mess of sad named Joe Iannello. Joe talks about major Band Drama in his former...

Feb 9, 2018

Cory dishes on Amazon, specifically their announcement that the e-commerce giant plans to start their own shipping service. 

Feb 8, 2018

ThinkSoJoE & Muller celebrate 100 episodes of the ThinkSoJoE Show with guests Exham Priory! Plus music from DredNeks & The...