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Aug 31, 2014

The Skat Man, the Professor, Jonny Positive, and Punski talk about Summerslam 2014 and all other sorts of random. Michelobs... will be said and lines will more than definitely be crossed....

Aug 31, 2014

Noah welcomes local punk rockers Worse Than Yesterday for an in depth discussion and live in studio jam session.

Aug 31, 2014

The Skat Man, the Professor, and Queen Bee talk about the upcoming WWE PPV thats dropping this weekend, hate on all the fakers, and transfer all calls to the itchy line

Aug 31, 2014

The Skat Man, The Professor, and Z sit about and talk Fantasy Football, debauchery and the true meaning of love

Aug 31, 2014

Skat, the Professor, and our Main Man Q sit around and squawk about the upcoming Fantasy Football season, as always  Michelobs will be uttered and utters will be Michelob'ed